The Far East Cargo Line Hong Kong Conference has been postponed until Chinese New Year 2021

Further to our previous announcements, we have continued to monitor the situation surrounding the COVID-19 virus.
As we all know, this continues to have a wide impact across the World, with many Conferences and events being cancelled due to health and safety concerns. Travel restrictions have been put into place by several of our members and these are ‘open ended’ in that no-one can predict when this virus will be contained and resolved.
We can also report that Cargo Services have unfortunately postponed their Annual Dinner celebration for a second time, moving this from 29th April to 6th July 2020.
Our original plan has always been to tie our FECL Conference with the Annual Dinner, and we have duly considered this. However, in line with current travel restrictions, we cannot make a commitment to re-schedule our Conference at this time. Furthermore, July sees the start of holidays across Europe and we will also be working peak season volumes.
In view of this, we have taken the decision to postpone our Far Eastern Conference for this year, and we will look to arrange this for Chinese New Year 2021 (somewhere around 12th February 2021, being the first day of the lunar New Year).
We very much regret having to cancel this event but the decision has been agreed upon in majority, and has been taken out of concern for the safety and the wellbeing of all of our staff and members, which remains paramount. Should you have any questions concerning this, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Keith Traylor and Nick Toye